Original Round Rock Promo Image, Harbor History Museum Collection #Y-08.2

Original Round Rock Promo Image, Harbor History Museum Collection #Y-08.2

Our 2024 Winners Are:

  1. Collins Asplund = $100

  2. Mary Rafferty = $50

  3. Shonna Wilkerson = $25

  4. Molly McCutcheon = $15

  5. Owen DeBarthe = $10

Winners can pick up their prize money at the museum front desk. All entries are displayed at the front desk. If you entered but didn’t place, you can pick up your rock at any time. Winners will eventually be moved to their new home in our Round Rock display. Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone who entered this year!

It’s Time for the
Round Rock Contest!

The Round Rock Competition was created in 1951 by C.E. Shaw, a popular Gig Harbor figure who was always looking for ways to have fun. Shaw had become well known for entertaining Gig Harbor with Rooster Races in the 30's and 40's.

The concept for the contest is simple. Participants search for the roundest natural rock they can find and submit it to the Harbor History Museum. All rock entries must have been found in Washington State, be naturally formed, and meet the size specifications in our rules (loosely, no smaller than a ping-pong ball and no larger than a softball).

A huge thank you to our Round Rock sponsor!

QUESTIONS? Contact Robin Harrison, Operations and Marketing Manager at Harbor History Museum at Operations@HarborHistoryMuseum.org.