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50 Years of Fitting In: Fashion, History & Women from 1890-1940

From April 15th through July 17th, join Harbor History Museum for 50 Years of Fitting In: Fashion, History, and Women from 1890-1940. From building families to founding businesses to leading social change, women played influential and often unexpected roles in both public and private life. This exhibit will explore the lives of these determined--and stylish--women and the challenges they faced through the always-changing lens of fashion. In addition to unique historical artifacts and images, the exhibit will feature biographies of movers-and-shakers in Gig Harbor such as Theresa Sweeney, Lucy Goodman, and Rose Tarabochia as women’s role change over time and across the globe.

The exhibit will open on April 15th with a members-only preview and reception. The exhibit will be open to the public with general admission on April 16th and run through July 17th. 

For more information, contact Alphild Dick, Marketing and Events Coordinator, at or visit our website at