September 17-19th, 2020
These are extraordinary times. Usually at the Harbor History Museum we spend our time looking back, but today we are adapting and moving forward with our first-ever VIRTUAL History Rocks!
Just because this wasn’t Plan A or Plan B, it doesn’t mean we can’t have fun! Join us on Saturday, September 19th, at 6:30 PM (PST) for a livestream of our auction program, complete with bidding opportunities and a look at the past 10 years and a peek at what’s to come in the next 10 years! The auction is our biggest fundraiser of the year and the museum needs your support as we move through these challenging times.
Let’s come together to raise the critical funds needed to propel the Harbor History Museum into the future as a premier south Puget Sound destination for students, visitors and locals alike. Today's stories are the history of tomorrow and the funds raised during History Rocks will help maintain these legacies for the future. Contributions during History Rocks will support our student educational outreach through the Midway School Program, new virtual programming for students who cannot attend programs in residence, the restoration of the Shenandoah and the documentation and preservation of our communities' rich and dynamic stories.
We are looking forward to "seeing" you on September 19th!