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Peter and the Wolf (4:00PM Performance)

From the snow-covered birch forests of Russia all the way to the waterfront of Gig Harbor, Harbor History Museum is delighted to announce upcoming performances of the beloved Russian children's tale and symphony, Peter and the Wolf, by composer, Sergei Prokofiev, on Saturday, February 20th, 2016.

Peter and the Wolf tells the story of a young boy living deep in the woods with his grandfather and a bevy of animal companions. Although Peter and his friends want to go exploring, Peter’s cautious grandfather warns him to stay within the garden gates—a terrible wolf is at large! But although Peter and his friends return to the safety of the garden, they still find themselves facing the dangerous creature all on their own.

The opportunity to enjoy a rendering of this lively story is cause for plenty of excitement, but the Museum is doubly pleased to welcome acclaimed conductor, Christophe Chagnard, who will lead an ensemble of musicians, and Classical King FM’s Sean MacLean as narrator for the performances. Audiences will delight in these world-class performers as they bring the characters to life through music and words.

The performance will be led by Christophe Chagnard, co-founder of the Northwest Sinfonietta, conductor, musician, and digital content manager for Classical KING FM. Narration for Peter and the Wolf will be provided by Sean MacLean, pianist, composer, and host of Seattle’s KING FM radio, one of the largest and most popular classical music stations in the United States.

We also welcome an ensemble of talented performers for the Peter and the Wolf performances. Among them include: Jeannie Hill, flute; Noelle Burns, oboe; Beverly Setzer, clarinet; John Ruze, bassoon; Danielle Lemieux, horn; Gunnar Folsom, percussion; Jo Nardolillo, violin I; Mitchell Drury, violin II; Thane Lewis, viola; Mara Finkelstein, cello; Chris Burns, contrabass

The Museum will host performances of the show at 2:00pm and 4:00pm on Saturday, February 20th. Doors will open half an hour before each performance. Ticket holders will have the opportunity to sample to authentic Russian tea and treats along with the performance. Tickets are $35 for members, $40 for non-members, and $25 for children ages 3 through 12. Admission for children 2 and under is free. To purchase tickets for the 4:00PM show, visit our EventBrite page

Sincere thanks to Thomas McQuaid for his generous support. For more information about the performances, contact Alphild Dick, Marketing and Events Coordinator, at 253-858-6722 ext. 5 or at


Earlier Event: February 20
Peter and the Wolf (2:00PM Performance)
Later Event: February 27
Our Town: Croatia [Adult Program]